Good Practices

Impact stories from the 7th round of GCLS

The 7th round of GCLS has come to an end. We are waiting for the last reports, as we’ve already received most of them, but today we can share some interesting impact stories from the projects. We hope they will be inspiring for you.

Empowering Sliven’s Community Through SDG Education

In Sliven, Bulgaria, the Community Donation Fund Sliven Foundation (CDF) launched a transformative project titled “To Act, Must Understand – SDGs in the Life of Sliven,” aiming to raise awareness about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This initiative featured an educational video with popular Bulgarian influencer Stefan Popov—Chefo, whose dynamic approach made the SDGs relatable to over 12,000 viewers on YouTube. The video quickly became a key resource in local Civics classes, prompting critical discussions among more than 900 students.

Adding another layer to the project, a Ukrainian photographer based in Sliven curated a compelling photo exhibition. The images captured local issues and resonated deeply within the community, reaching nearly 10,000 people online and being showcased in schools and galleries.

The project also empowered youth through a dedicated Youth Forum, where students debated local challenges through the lens of the SDGs. The forum’s Final Declaration highlighted the power of small, collective actions in driving significant change.

Through a comprehensive communication strategy, the project successfully reached over 25,000 people, significantly impacting Sliven’s journey toward sustainable development.

Zajecar 2030: SDGs in Action

The Foundation Step Forward’s “Empowering Zajecar” project has made significant strides in raising awareness and fostering action around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Zajecar. Central to this initiative was a seven-episode podcast series, broadcast from the Zajecar Free Media House. Each 60-minute episode introduced key SDGs tailored to the unique needs of the Zajecar community. These episodes were made available on the “Stories Within Us” podcast YouTube channel and the official Step Forward Foundation channel, ensuring broad accessibility.

To amplify the podcast’s reach, Foundation Step Forward partnered with Glas Zajecara, a popular local media outlet, to publish related articles that provided deeper insights into the discussed SDGs. This collaboration involved extensive research, interviews, and writing, bringing the podcast’s themes to a wider audience.

Additionally, the project enhanced the Vital Signs website by adding two new sections: an SDG Overview and Recommendations for a Better Zajecar. These sections not only educate the community on SDGs but also offer an interactive platform for residents to suggest improvements for Zajecar.

Finally, the development of a comprehensive communication strategy and an internal roadmap, crafted through a participatory process, ensured that the community’s voice is central to ongoing and future sustainability efforts in Zajecar.

Driving SDG Awareness in Odorheiu Secuiesc

The “Livable Odorhei” project, led by the Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation, sparked a significant transformation in the community’s approach to sustainability and the SDGs. Through a strategic communication plan that included 14 short films, 41 Facebook posts, and a series of radio interviews, the project successfully heightened awareness about the SDGs. A mini-conference, featuring 12 local companies, highlighted how their operations align with SDGs 7, 9, 11, and 12. The conference also produced a printed booklet accessible online, revealing to many businesses their unexpected contributions to these global goals.

A key highlight was the Bottle-Cup MOSAIC competition, which engaged 370 students from 12 different settlements. The event galvanized the community around recycling and sustainability, as 37 teams crafted meaningful mosaics from recycled materials. This competition not only raised local awareness but also showcased the power of youth-led environmental initiatives.

Although the creative applications call received a modest response, the resulting exhibition effectively presented innovative SDG solutions. The project also established new partnerships, including with Social Innovation Solution, and contributed to an Interreg Europe application aimed at integrating SDGs into regional economic strategies.

In summary, “Livable Odorhei” not only educated and inspired local businesses and students but also left a lasting impact on community engagement with sustainability.

The Success of the ‘Ready – Steady – Go’ Initiative

The “Ready – Steady – Go” initiative, spearheaded by the Snow Mountain Community Foundation, successfully brought the global principles of the SDGs into the local community by translating them into actionable steps. A pivotal element of the project was a comprehensive survey conducted among 200 students and 50 teachers, which provided valuable insights into the current level of SDG awareness. This data was instrumental in developing tailored educational materials suitable for various age groups and educational levels.

The initiative also featured a series of workshops and pro-social activities within schools, designed to educate participants about the SDGs and inspire them to become local changemakers. An art contest with 50 student participants further highlighted innovative approaches to the SDGs, showcasing their visions for a sustainable future.

The project culminated in a conference attended by 50 representatives from the NGO sector and the local community. This event promoted discussions on sustainable development, shared best practices, and encouraged cross-sector collaborations. It also served as a platform to present the educational materials and conduct workshops on collective impact and partnership building.

The project exceeded expectations by producing 500 printed booklets and an engaging digital version of the educational materials. The enthusiastic response from students and teachers, along with the success of the art contest, underscored the initiative’s significant impact. The conference fostered valuable connections and reinforced the commitment to integrating SDGs into future projects, laying a strong foundation for continued promotion of the SDGs and contributing to the national SDG development process.

 Igniting Youth Engagement with SDGs

The “SDGs for the Young” initiative, led by the Stara Zagora Community Foundation, has made a significant impact by linking global goals to local actions and inspiring youth participation. Running from December 2023 to June 2024, the project focused on integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into community activities and education.

The project began with an intensive research phase on SDGs and climate action, which resulted in the development of a Climate Action Policy and a monitoring plan. The team identified eight key SDGs to guide their activities and updated their website to reflect this focus, despite some delays due to platform changes.

Externally, the project featured an Environmental Movies Youth Festival, where impactful films sparked discussions about environmental issues among over 240 students. Additionally, the Green Festival in June 2024 engaged 5,000 to 7,000 participants in workshops, arts, and eco-friendly practices. The “Custodians of Water” Hackathon, held simultaneously, challenged youth to propose solutions for river conservation, with awards recognizing their efforts.

The initiative also strengthened local partnerships and community involvement, such as a petition to save Bedechka Park and a recycling campaign led by a neighboring business. Through these efforts, the project successfully raised SDG awareness among youth, demonstrated a strong commitment to climate action, and established a foundation for ongoing sustainability efforts.



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