170 Actions to Combat Climate Change
This website is part of the “170 Series” launched by the PerceptionChange Project of the UN. It gives you 10 suggestions for each of the 17 SDG goals about what you can do on a daily basis to protect the environment and help mitigate climate change effects.
170 Actions to Combat Climate Change
The average temperature on the planet is rising at an unusually fast pace and is threatening the balance of the world’s natural ecosystems. The reason for extreme temperatures, floods, large scale fires and mass extinctions of species is mainly attributed to our unsustainable consumption behaviour, that can be noted since the beginning of industrialization. As a result, human lives are being increasingly endangered, as we rely on natural resources. Instead of being discouraged, we want to take action in the fight against climate change and motivate you to join us as well. The goal is to keep the increase in global average temperature to below 2° C above preindustrial levels. This mission is urgent for the survival of human lives, and this is why we all need to take part – everyone is called upon to contribute, as we all depend on our natural environment for sustenance.
Climate action is now!