The Academy, the Immigrants Support Centre and Ocalenie Foundation launched cooperation in order to make use of our experiences to help refugees through urgency aid and the operations facilitating their life in a new reality and environment.
Since the late ’90s application for refugee status in Poland was submitted by almost 90 thousand people (Chechens, Georgians, Syrians etc.).
The biggest challenges that we face right now are: the insufficient urgency aid measures carried out by non-governmental organizations, and lack of common policy towards refugees. We need to establish a common, united front of activities that will help refugees, mainly in the field of urgency aid. The main objective of the Global Challenges Local Solutions Project is to provide urgency aid performed by specialist local organizations – Ocalenie Foundation and The Center for Immigrants Support – Association.
Above mentioned organizations work with refugees on the local level – Ocalenie Foundation in Warsaw and Łomża in a refugee centre, while The Center for Immigrants Support – Association operates in the north of Poland – Pomeranian Region (Gdańsk, Gdynia). Combining their strengths and developing competencies towards cooperation at the state level shall make their work much more effective than individual efforts. In such situation, there is a need for the establishing the supporting organization.
Estimated results: