Aluksnes and Apes Community Foundation (Latvia). Keep supporting the people of Ukraine!
Throughout the project implementation, the Foundation successfully executed planned activities and key tasks. It ensured the continuous operation of the coordination and information point for seven months, with daily functioning managed by project employees and volunteers in collaboration with the municipalities of Alūksne and Smiltene counties. During the project, the fund provided various types of support to Ukrainian war refugees more than 760 times, an average of 4 – 5 people per day.
A comprehensive database was established for each Ukrainian refugee, enabling data analysis to understand the origins of residents from different regions of Ukraine. This facilitated the prediction of future asylum seeker flows and potential risks. The Foundation identified and addressed the needs of refugees, providing assistance and meticulously recording cases of Ukrainian refugees.
Visits to refugee accommodation places allowed for the identification of needs and the provision of necessary assistance. The engagement of Ukrainian and Latvian volunteers played a crucial role in resolving various issues.
Promoting the integration of Ukrainian refugees into the community and society, the Foundation organized 39 events encompassing cultural, recreational, sports, and tourism activities. Ukrainians actively participated as volunteers in 15 events, while representatives of the local community volunteered in all events. Regular participation in project working group meetings and collaboration with foundation partners, including donors, municipality leaders, institutions, employees, entrepreneurs, and NGO organizations, further strengthened the project’s impact and effectiveness.