Community services and programs of social inclusion for Ukrainian war refugees in Nitra
Nitra Community Foundation
The main objective of the project has been focused on solving the consequences of the Ukrainian war crisis in the Nitra city based on the services for Ukrainian refugees provided by the COMIN center, as well as based on the fundraising campaign “Nitra helps Ukraine” and two grant programs oriented on supporting the social inclusion activities for refugees.
The main achievements of the project are as follows:
- COMIN provided humanitarian material assistance worth 6.63 tons. The experts of the COMIN have spent 404 hours with services; 22 of the COMIN volunteers have offered 509 hours. Four meetings for 153 participants were realized with the Ukrainian psychologist. 11 150 of the counseling and terrain interventions were realized based on personal, telephonic and email communication.
- The campaign „Nitra helps Ukraine” has appealed to 47 individual donors and 1 company, who contributed 8209 €. The eponymous community grant program supported 13 community projects.
- The grant program „Let people to help people” enabled to support the capacity of 3 NGOs helping with the war crisis and inclusion of refugees with grants in sum of 7500 €. The grant program has been followed by the community event, which appr. 800 people have participated in.
- Two web pages www.nkn.sk and www.ukrajina.comin.sk, which has provided some information for a public, important stakeholders and Ukrainian refugees, were visited by 3 644 users.