Ecological education
Charitable Foundation “First L’viv Foundation”
Благодійний Фонд “Перша Львівська Фундація”
Project: Think globally – act locally!
About: The First L’viv Foundation is a community foundation which mission is to develop responsible and effective charitable activities in the community with the goal to improve the quality of life of L’viv. The Foundation’s activities are concentrated in four main directions – development of philanthropy, improvement of the environmental environment of L’viv, solution of social problems of the city and its inhabitants and support of local initiatives of L’viv. In 2017, the Foundation created the Crowdfunding tool for supporting local initiatives “L’vivs’ka Casa” (www.kasa.lviv.ua) as a platform where benefactors can support social initiatives with their donations.
Challenge: One of the most important problems of the L’viv community is ecology. Some of the main points are: more than 10% of city buildings do not have sewage; in 2016 a single landfill of solid domestic waste was closed, which led to the rubbish crisis, when the garbage was not exported from the city for several months. As result, fecal waste and other household waste polluted rivers Poltva (with its tributaries) and Zubra (with its tributaries). Therefore, such a situation significantly affects not only the health of L’viv residents and the ecosystem of L’viv, but also has a global threat of pollution of the Baltic and Black Seas.
Solution: To respond to the above mentioned challenge the Foundation decided to produce and distribute 10,000 copies of project’s booklets among L’viv residents; produce and distribute 5 minute-long videos (explorers) in the media and social networks on the Project’s objectives; to make a street exposition for photo exhibition “Ecological problems and threats of the city of L’viv” and place it in public places of L’viv. In the end they created a mutual support system of L’viv local initiatives on the base of Foundation’s Crowdfunding Platform – L’viv Casa (kasa.lviv.ua) and involved funding for 12 local environmental initiatives.