Post-Covid Priorities
Wiltshire Community Foundation
United Kingdom
ABOUT the CF: Wiltshire Community Foundation is a local charitable foundation for the benefit of people in Wiltshire and Swindon. We exist to tackle disadvantage and strengthen local communities by inspiring local philanthropy and supporting our local voluntary sector. We research the needs and issues affecting our communities and bring people together to address these needs. We grow local philanthropy and help people make a difference locally through their charitable giving. We provide funding, advice and support to local charities, voluntary sector organisations and community groups.
PROJECT TITLE: Post-Covid Priorities
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Wiltshire is a highly unequal society and our evidence shows a significant effect on our young people’s life chances. Wiltshire has pockets of very high educational deprivation and some of the lowest social mobility outcomes for children and young people nationally. Mental wellbeing is also a significant issue in our community and many people’s life chances and physical health are disadvantaged by poor mental health. This project will enable us to engage the key representatives within the local voluntary and statutory sectors in regular networks and learning and development events focused on our identified priorities: mental health, wellbeing and young people. Networks will enable joint learning, sharing of information and resources and cross-referrals of service users leading to more joined up services and increased impact in our communities. Engagement through the networks will also inform our grant-making.
SDG TARGETS: SDG 10) Reduced inequalities (with links to SDGs 3, 4 & 8).