Racibórz Region open to Ukrainian refugees
Community Foundation of Racibórz
More than 1300 refugees, including 650 children arrived in the Racibórz region with the beginning of the war – most of them still reside here. The aim of the project „Racibórz region open to Ukrainian refugees” was to support people from Ukraine. All activities meeting their most crucial needs were conducted within the project. Food was purchased for Center Aid, which is used by hundreds of refugees. Clothes and necessary equipment was bought for those in need (more than 50 people). Availability of medicines and hygiene products was ensured, as well as psychological help and access to healthcare. Educational, integration and adaptation activities were organized. More than 20 people took part in the language course.
More than 100 Ukrainian children with their families joined integration events, workshops and trips. 48 children and 3 Ukrainian caregivers went to the Polish seaside for a 10-day summer camp. See the videos: Summer camp: https://youtu.be/7Hd9NxZSIPk, dreams of Ukrainian children: https://youtu.be/zYZnaBUQgsM.