Safety shelter in Rudki community
ABOUT the CF: Moloda Gromada (Young Community) Foundation works since December 2, 2004. Main fields of interest (before the war): community development, citizens’ engagement, capacity building of local philanthropy, NGOs/CSOs. Main activities: 1) development of the Good Governance, transparency and accountability of public management, including instruments for public consultations, 2) strengthening of citizen’s participation with the help of digital tools, facilitation and funding, 3) developing and piloting innovative solutions (including digital) for civil society and local communities; 4) capacity building of local actors through modern networking. After the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022 our foundation updated activities and shifted them to humanitarian issues, aid for different groups and increasing communities resilience and their adaptation to the war consequences
Project title: Safety shelter in Rudki community
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Since the beginning of the Russian full-scale military invasion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, a large-scale migration of residents began to ensure their own security. The main flow of migration fell on the western part of Ukraine, especially on the Lviv region. This is due to the proximity of the border with Poland, and the low intensity of hostilities. Some of the newcomers use the Lviv region as a transit for moving to the countries of the European Union, and some residents remain to wait out the acute period in the communities of the Lviv region. One of these communities is the Rudkivska territorial community, which has already accepted over 1,200 IDPs (Internally displaced people), which amounted to 1% of the entire population of the community, and in some settlements it was 20%. This has led to a significant burden on the infrastructure and residents and the need to find an effective solution for integrating IDPs into community life. The purpose of this project is to establish the process of accommodation of IDPs on the territory of the Rudki community and create safe conditions for their adaptation to new reality. The main objectives of the project: the creation of a center for temporary placement of IDPs on the basis of the municipal institution “House of Mercy”; development and implementing of a actions’ program on involve migrants to the life of the community and their harmonious integration; “Fair of temporary job” will be organized and held for residents and IDPs.
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development