To act, must understand – SDGs in the life of Sliven
Community Donation Fund Sliven Foundation (CDF) – Sliven
Country: Bulgaria
The Foundation “Community Donation Fund Sliven” (CDF) was established in 2012 by a group of public figures to restore historical traditions of donation by the residents of the city of Sliven. The main focus group of their activity is people in need – sick, poor, and marginalized groups. They also work to preserve cultural heritage, improve the urban environment, and support talented young people.
Project Goal:
The primary goal of the project is to raise awareness about the SDGs among the public in the Sliven region, encouraging active participation and actions that lead to achieving these goals. During the project, they will work with young people, mainly in schools, and also influence local authorities to incorporate the SDGs into their programs and strategies.
Planned Activities and Results:
- Designing an SDGs Education File: Create an interactive learning tool for schools, promoting awareness and understanding of the SDGs.
Expected Results: Educational files developed and distributed to 13 schools, reaching 900 students.
- Create and Distribute Photographic Posters: Produce 18 posters illustrating each SDG. The photos will present Sliven and illustrate the need for action on each goal. Each school will have the opportunity to host a photo exhibition to provoke students’ interest. Schools will receive a set of photographic posters and an educational file.
Expected Results: 13 sets of 18 posters distributed to secondary and high schools.
- Visits to Secondary Schools: Meetings with students in 10 classes using the SDGs education file and provoke discussions.
Expected Results: 10 visits reach 200 students, encouraging unity for specific causes.
Massive Information Campaign: Using various channels to spread information on the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of governments and individuals.
Expected Results: 50 publications across local media and social networks, and dedicated Facebook page. (Program 2030 in Bulgaria and Sliven).
Holding a Youth Forum: Provide a platform for youth to voice their opinions, with the results influencing municipal decisions.
Expected Results: 30 participants, a final declaration adopted, and increased youth interest and activity. Preparing the proposals that will be submitted for consideration by the Municipal Council and the Municipal Administration of Sliven.
Lobbying Campaign among Municipal Councilors: Lobbying campaign among the municipal councilors, management of the municipality, to include the SDGs in their strategic documents.