Together for save future
The Snow Mountain Community Fund
Fundusz Lokalny Masywu Śnieżnika
Project: “Together for save future”
For 23 years, The Snow Mountain Community Fund is inspiring, supporting local society in different fields such as education, culture, heath, sport, democracy and building cross sectoral partnerships. Thanks to our regranting, stipend and educational programs we mobilize community to act for common goods, and be more involved in solving local problems. Our mission is to change mentality of people and convince them that everybody can be a change maker.
The main goal of a project is to integrate local society during pandemic. We want to show, inspire and support citizens in organizing ourselves and coping with an everyday activity. By mobilizing and sensitizing volunteers we want to start a neighborhood help that mostly will be focused on elderly people.
We are struggling with a global challenge Covid 19. It has changed the World not only economically but has further social consequences. Long term influence is not known now but has already shown us our weaknesses: standards of education and health, disorganized healthcare, inefficient care of high risk groups, helpless of elderly and families. People are isolated and depressed and don’t know how to deal with an everyday life. The authentic bond and dialog between citizens is dramatically decreasing. We deal with an enormous challenge that needs a long-term actions!
The idea of the project is to show people how to get organize ourselves, how to start neighborhood help, take care of elderly people and kids and how by a simple gesture change the world of one person.
By focusing on two SDG that regard good health & well-being and quality of education our plan is to:
- Organize workshops for volunteers who will be taught how to look after seniors:
– how to spend time effectively together,
– how to deal with a loneliness and depression,
– how to develop seniors potential,
– how to meditate and practice memory.
Outcome – 30 professionally trained volunteers who will be able to work and take care of seniors.
- Organize workshops for seniors mostly based on manual activity work but also psychology support, mental and physical health. Thanks to a cooperation with social assistance centers and Retired Seniors Association in our project will be involved about 130 elderly people.
- Set up a Trust Phone Line where seniors will have a chance to call our volunteers, talk about everyday life and feel that someone wants to listen to them.
- Information center – free of charge service for seniors who need help to fix staff at home (like leaking tap), do shopping, contact with doctors, manicure or hairdresser.
- Organization of the exhibition “Elderly ages are beautiful” – a professional photo session for seniors
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of
education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations