Let’s glocalize – community foundations driven by SDGs spirit!
17 global goals > 17+ local solutions > 17 posters > 17 tests-inspirations to take!
For 17 weeks, we are presenting a series of 17 posters prepared within the GCLS Knowledge Hub under the motto: “Let’s glocalize – community foundations driven by SDGs spirit”
Each poster refers to one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and contains several questions that allow community foundations to check if, and to what extent, they are approaching towards a particular SDG. The idea is that the questions can be also an inspiration for actions to be taken in order to contribute to the SDGs and create a local meaningful impact.
The posters will be appearing every week in the GCLS Knowledge Hub section:: https://www.localsolutionsfund.org/knowledge-hub/learning-materials/
Feel free to use these posters as guidelines and inspiration for your community foundation’s actions, and to share with organizations and stakeholders within your local community.
* GCLS – Global Challenges Local Solutions – education & motivation campaign is run in partnership with The Good Goals (Dobre Cele) – Polish campaign that educates citizens about the SDGs and encourages them to take action.