Philanthropy Summit Poland 2023
If we want to change this world for the better, we have to learn to share different resources. This is the best answer to the problems that harass mankind! But sharing resources is not easy. In the eternal dilemma – to be or to have – for millennia we as humanity have been betting on having. And that has dramatic consequences. To be fair, we have robbed many of the Earth’s resources, destroyed the ecosystem in which we work, and we are approaching disaster. As we know, there is no planet B. We must act! And just as the Promethean fire given to humanity can serve development, but can also destroy it, so the development of humanity does not have to harm us, but can be carried out sustainably and responsibly. There are many ways to change and save our world. Everyone should find his/her own. From the sharing economy to venture philanthropy. The Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland wants to build on a solid foundation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly.
That is where the concept of Philanthropy Summit Poland comes from.
The purpose of the Summit was to put on agenda the discussion about philanthropy of the future. Philanthropy that needs to deal with today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, including those described in the SDGs.
First day was devoted to global philanthropy.
We had many great speakers from the world of business, NGOs, media and even charity celebrities. It was certainly an event that brought many communities together. One of the most important speakers was Ted Hart President and CEO of CAF America and CAF Canada, who prepared a great speach, below are some quotes.
The theme of this Summit, “Philanthropy of the Future,” should serve as a rallying call for all those who are passionate about creating a positive impact in the world. As we emerge from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, economic hardships, and the fervent hope for an end to conflicts, we recognize that the stakes and needs are high. As delegates of this summit, we must unleash the power and potential of philanthropists and the charities they support, working hand in hand for the greater good. However, envisioning the future of philanthropy requires us to move beyond business as usual. Polish philanthropy should demand a dedication to localization, placing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as guiding principles at its core. This summit calls for the reshaping of a new philanthropy that is responsive, inclusive, collaborative, and effective . The future of philanthropy will be shaped by various trends and shifts in societal, economic, and technological landscapes.
Our Foundation is deeply committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs which provide a framework for addressing the most pressing challenges facing our world today. This summit serves as a platform for showcasing the excellence and innovation of Polish and European companies and philanthropists who are contributing to these global goals. Throughout the event, you will hear from inspiring speakers and panelists who will share their best practices and insights on achieving meaningful impact and scale.
But the second day was aimed at local organizations – community foundations that carry out projects based on SDGs.
During this meeting, a number of important issues for community foundations came up, but mainly we focused on how to communicate about the Sustainable Development Goals in local communities.
The day was divided into 3 stages. We started with an extremely important presentation titled Climate change – why is so important?
Kamil Wyszkowski representing UN Global Compact Network Poland tried to answer this and many other questions that were raised up on the second day of Philanthropy Summit Poland 2023.
We then moved on to an remarkably interesting presentation by Aleksy Szymkiewicz, representing the organization Demagog, who in his speech wanted to show organizations how to reach out to people who deny climate change, how to fight with disinformation and denialists.
And finally, the icing on the cake – a wonderful workshop lasting several hours conducted by Zuza Komornicka from the Federation of Polish Community Foundations. During her workshop on communication, she touched on topics such as:
– benefits of implementing actions based and SDGs;
– challenges of implementing actions based on SDGs;
– role of building local partnerships and the importance of CF in the implementation of actions based on the SDGs;
– the decalogue of effective communication and stakeholder relationship building at the local level.
This workshop was totally inspiring for all of us. It brought the CFs answers to several important questions, including:
Why should CFs implement activities based on the SDGs?
- The implementation of the SDGs allows for a better understanding of the sources of many of the decisions on the actions taken by NGOs.
- In many countries, the level of knowledge of the SDGs is very low. Research shows that a better understanding by citizens of local and national challenges set in a global context influences greater commitment to community and environmental action.
- Every organization conducts communication activities. It is worth including the SDGs into these, as they can provide a framework for NGO activity and a reference point to make their image credible.
In what kind of activities CFs can educate about SDG?
- educational infographics and information brochures made for the local community; example: https://www.localsolutionsfund.org/good-practices/for-the-future-fit-pecs-face-the-critical-future-work-together-transform-the-city-of-pecs-to-be-more-future-fit/
- process of building cross-sectoral partnerships – educating partners about the need to implement SDGs; example: https://www.localsolutionsfund.org/good-practices/sera-horta-sud-2030-regional-urban-agenda-2030/;
- regular promotion (social media) – using SDGs icons in a daily communication activities;
- local events – example: https://www.localsolutionsfund.org/good-practices/seventeen-stars-of-sustainable-development/
- gadgets; examples: https://www.sdgactioncampaign.org/resources/;
- offer for business – showing companies the importance of implementing the SDGs with reference to ESG strategy;
- grant competitions – which a great example is Global Challenges Local Solutions Program.
We very much hope that the participants of our meeting are left full of knowledge and new information, but most of all good energy to make changes in their communities for the better!