Winners of the 7th GCLS grant competition
We would like to announce the winners of the 7th round of GCLS grant competition!
Out of numerous outstanding entries, we’ve selected 10 organizations that will receive our grants:
- The Cross-Regional Fund of Mid Latgale Viduslatgales pārnovadu fonds (Latvia)
- Community Donation Fund Sliven Foundation (CDF) – Sliven
- Фондация Обществен Дарителски Фонд Сливен (Bulgaria)
- Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation SZKA – Székelyudvarhelyi Közösségi Alapítvány (Romania)
- Zywiec Development Foundation Żywiecka Fundacja Rozwoju (Poland)
- Ferencvaros Community Foundation (FCF) Ferencvárosi Közösségi Alapítvány (Hungry)
- Healthy City Community Foundation Komunitná nadácia Zdravé mesto/Healthy City Community Foundation. (Slovakia)
- Northamptonshire Community Foundation (United Kingdom)
- Stara Zagora Community Foundation Обществен Дарителски Фонд – Стара Загора (Bulgaria)
- Foundation Step Forward (FSF) Fondacija Iskorak (Serbia)
- The Snow Mountain Community Fund Fundusz Lokalny Masywu Śnieżnika (Poland)
In this round we focus on activities aimed at communicating and promoting the Sustainable Development Goals within the community and local stakeholders – organizations, authorities, business, etc.
We are looking forward to the results of this amazing projects.
And of course we appreciate all the organizations that submitted applications. All the projects were really inspiring!
The program is financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and implemented by the Academy for The Development of Philanthropy in Poland.