Feasibility study report – analysis of the Ukrainian NGOs situation
The Academy together with the ISAR Ednannia has conducted a feasibility study related to the situation of Ukrainian NGOs and the possibilites to cooperate in Ukraine.
It was divided into three parts:
The analysis of the ISAR Ednannia organization’s potential to play a role of an umbrella organization for the network of local philanthropic organizations in Ukraine.
The analysis of the Ukrainian’s third sector potential to develop the network of local philanthropic organizations (in small-medium communities).
The analysis of the chosen local philanthropic organizations potential to develop the network of local philanthropic organizations modelled on the Polish Act Locally Network.
Below you can find a short summary.
According to the findings showcased in the ‘Mapping Study. SCSO Engagement In Policy formulation and monitoring of Policy implementation’ (Roman Kobets, Oksana Ruda, Kyiv 2014), Ukrainian NGOs face many difficulties that affect their activity: from the fundraising problems, through the lack of support offered by the government (e.g. distrust between the government and NGOs, unequal access to the public financial support, lack of transparency in the funds distribution), up to the citizens’ passivity in matters of the engagement in the design of the social policy. On the other hand, the reports prepared by the Instytut Spraw Publicznych („Society – the decisive player in Ukrainian politics?”, Grzegorz Gromadzki, Łukasz Wenerski, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warsaw, 2014 and „Ukraińcy patrzą na Zachód – ocean polityki i oczekiwania”, Jacek Kucharczyk, Agnieszka Łąda, Łukasz Wenerski, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warsaw, 2015) shows that the events connected with Euromajdan prove that Ukrainian society is getting more aware of its rights and wants to have a real influence on the future.
The evaluation showcased that the model of a community foundation seems to be too sophisticated and too resource-consuming for Ukrainian local communities. Therefore the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy In Poland, together with ISAR Ednannia designed the Global Challenges Local Solutions programme, aimed at strengthening Ukrainian third sector and Ukrainian civil society through beginning a process of creating in Ukraine a network of NGOs, based on the model of the Act Locally network, functioning in Poland.
This report presents findings from the feasibility study that was conducted by ISAR Ednannia in the period of September – October 2016. The main aim of the study was the identification of the potential, the opportunities and the guidelines for an effective design of the draft of local philanthropic organizations network in Ukraine that will be modelled on the Polish Act Locally Network, as well as the identification of the perspectives for the development of the stable network in the future.
In summary, the report presents the following findings:
ISAR Ednannia has sufficient organizational potential to play a role of an umbrella organization for the network of local philanthropic organizations in Ukraine.
Ukrainian CSOs have sufficient potential to develop the network of local philanthropic organizations (in small-medium communities).
There is an interest among different stakeholders and a need to create the network of local philanthropic organizations in the Ukraine.
The NGOs, the government and the business sector have enough ability to cooperate.
There are adequate financial, human and institutional resources necessary for the efficient operation of the organizations affiliated to such a network.
It was conducted within the Global Challenges Local Solutions programme, co-financed by the Education for Democracy Foundation – Region in Transition program, financed by Polish-American Freedom Foundation.
We encourage you to read it, it’s worth it 🙂