Project title
I. Basic information
1.1. Organization’s name in English
1.2. Organization’s name in mother tongue
1.3 Duration of the project:
Start date
End date
1.4. Organization’s full address
1.5. Website
1.6. The organization registration number
If yes, please describe shortly your activity in this field
1.9. Contact person
1.10. Contact information (e-mail address, telephone number, skype)
II. Applicant description
2.1. Please, introduce briefly your organisation. What are your main activities and fields of interest? (1000 characters)
2.2. How does this project fit into your previous activities? Is it a continuation of your previous activities? (1000 characters)
Add more | Delete last one
2.4. What do you understand by local community responsive to global challenges? How, in your opinion, should it operate? (1000 characters)
2.5. Describe briefly your resources (staff, knowledge, facilities, etc) that may be useful during the implementation of this project. (1500 characters)
III. Project description
Global Challenges Local Solutions European Grant Competition was established in order to support grass-root initiatives, run by community foundations and local philanthropic organizations together with local communities, aimed at solving global challenges at the local level.
Description of each SDGs can be found on:
Now, please provide the detailed description of your idea.
3.1. Start with the challenge you would like to influence by this project. What is the most crucial challenge (out of the listed above) that your community face? How does it influence local community? What is the scope of the challenge? (max. 1500 characters)
3.2. How did you identify the need, the above mentioned challenge? Did you carry out any research, analysis? What methods did you choose? (max. 1000 characters)
3.3. How would you like to respond to this challenge within this project? Please present the general strategy for the implementation of this project, by listing and describing all the activities you plan to undertake on a local level to make a change. Use bullet points where appropriate. (max. 1500 characters)
3.4. What outcomes and concrete effects would you like to achieve within this project in order to change the situation described in 3.1? (max. 1500 characters)? (max. 1500 characters)
3.5. How are you going to measure these outcomes? What will indicate the success of your idea? (max. 1500 characters)
3.6. Local community should play a crucial role in the process of making a change. In what way do you plan to engage the local community in the implementation of this project? How will you know if the local community has been influenced? What kind of actions will its members be involved in? (max. 1500 characters)
3.7. What kind of other partners (institutions, media, donors, individuals) would you like to engage in your activities in order to achieve the above mentioned change? Why do you think you have the best potential of influencing, what your organization does and where you fit in the community? (max. 1500 characters)
3.8. Do you plan to continue the activities started within this project after it ends? If so, how? (max. 1500 characters)
3.10. Please present the budget of the project:
Total Costs
Amount requested from GCLS
From own sources