Mindful and Inclusive Community
Slovak Republic
About The CF: The mission of Bardejov Community Foundation (hereinafter referred as BCF) is to connect people in order to tackle their common problems on their own. A perspective change, which BCF is trying to achieve, is to raise engagement of broader community to its development. It is important, to create a space, to give opportunities and to use proven and innovative tools for mobilization and for involvement of general public into positive changes in community. These changes are going to be done by creating a possibility for community to comment on and respond to problems and needs of community with a presence of representatives of three sectors of society, to cultivate a pride for their own community, to enable them to transform or shape their community actively and to influence their attitude to community philanthropy and volunteering.
Project title: Mindful and Inclusive Community
THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Primary goal: To raise awareness of the local community on SDGs Agenda, and motivate the Project partners to implement projects and actions to help to meet the sustainable development goals. Specific goals: 1. To foster/boost communication and long-term cooperation with local govt. and different local social and economic stakeholders in promoting SDGs Agenda via a joint activity- Architectonic PleinAir 2. Involve the young generation into SDGs Agenda awareness, and make use of their creativity in problem-solving on local/ regional level- thematic students´ competition. 3. Raise the public awareness on global challenges we all currently face with the intention to encourage their participation in bringing solutions to the issues on the local/regional levels via our grant programs and online voting events. From among our partners, the local authorities have the least information on SDGs Agenda. Therefore, it is our greatest challenge to involve the local govt. into this initiative. Since the priority of the local economic development of our town – listed in the UNESCO National Heritage- is to increase job opportunities and develop its tourism, we intend to improve promotion and awareness of the SDGs Agenda of city administration via practical application of Goal No. 8, or 8.9 (Architectonic Plein Air). The second group in need of better SDGs Agenda information are students.
The Project will be successful if the local community- across all three sectors- will be aware of the global problems and challenges for this and future generations, and will get actively engaged into bringing solutions on the local level and their elimination – Primary Goal – particularly the local administration authorities govern their town respecting SDGs and make their decisions in harmony with “think locally, act globally”- specific goal No. 1 – Promotion, planning and implementation of SDGs in real life has become an everyday task for local administration. Supervision of the implementation of the Agenda will be provided by BCF as will have resulted from the bilateral agreement of BCF and the local government- specific goal No. 1 – Local non-profits and project partners will also have incorporated promotion of SDGs Agenda in their regular events and on their web sites – Primary Goal – High schools in Bardejov will all present, on Earth Day, an online seminar on global issues and SDGs- specific goal No. 2 – Active citizens in Bardejov use the BCF grant programs as financing for their local solutions for global problems and SDGs and take an active participation in the online voting event on architectonic plein-air designs- specific goal No. 1 and 3 – The local media regularly run the SGDs Agenda campaign with the purpose to stimulate the community to get engaged into SDGs implementation- Primary Goal and specific goal No. 3
For more go to: www.knbj.sk
SDG Targets: Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.