II grant round is open!
Dear Europeans, good news: the second grant round is open! If you have the idea for a project connected to Sustainable Development Goals, apply for the grant up to 15,000 USD.
About the Fund
Global Challenges Local Solutions Fund is the first fund which connects CFs and Sustainable Development Goals. It is a grantmaking program that supports community foundations throughout Europe to address global challenges on the local level. It was set to provide them with additional resources that can improve local initiatives. The Fund focuses on initiatives referring directly to SDGs.
Get inspired!
Global Challenges Local Solutions Fund has already collected a number of inspiring examples on how the civil society can contribute to developing the SDGs. They prove that change comes from the bottom up! Download the brochure and get inspired.
Call for applications
Who can apply?
Applications to the Competition may be submitted by community foundations, registered and operating in Europe.
What kind of projects can be supported?
Projects submitted to the Competition should be aimed at solving global challenges at the local level by combining forces of community foundations and local communities. They should demonstrate clear connection to the SDGs in one of the following ways:
- producing tangible contribution toward specific SDG and SDG targets,
- implementing SDG-related learning and capacity-building activities in the community,
- a combination of the above.
Grants up to 15,000 USD may be awarded both for new projects and for improving existing projects.
More information can be found in the Regulations.
We are waiting for your applications till the 10th of October 2018.
Application form
Applications should be submitted online via the Application Form,
Good luck!
Global Challenges Local Solutions European Grant Competition is organised by the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland (ADPP) within the Global Challenges Local Solutions Program. Global Challenges Local Solutions Program is co-financed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.