3, 2, 1 … and GO! The Global Challenges Local Solutions 6th Grant Round is now open!
We look forward to project proposals from community foundations, registered and operating in Europe.
You can submit your applications until 13th March 2022.
With the good practices collected over the five grant rounds we have proved that solving global challenges at the local level can be performed very successfully. Actually, today we know, that global challenges will not be achieved without the involvement of local initiatives, actions and local stakeholders – community foundations, organizations, authorities, business, etc. So, the overarching goal now is to promote, communicate, educate and implement successful diversified actions in order to raise the awareness within local communities on Agenda for the SDGs and encourage to undertake regular actions driven by the SDGs spirit.
Therefore, in the 6th GCLS Grant Round, we are opening a CALL for ONLY such projects, which mainly focus on activities aimed at communicating and promoting the Sustainable Development Goals within the community and local stakeholders – organizations, authorities, business, etc.
These projects may include tasks for Community Foundations such as:
- organization of educational seminars, thematic competitions, debates on concepts and strategies allowing to implement the SDGS’ global idea on the local ground;
- preparation and launch of a communication program for local stakeholders – local government, media, organizations, etc. – about SDGs, being an inseparable element of all undertaken actions;
- development of strategies including long-term actions driven by the spirit of SDGs and e.g. consultations with the environment.
We strongly encourage you to read carefully Regulations of the Competition, especially Program Guidelines and FAQs on our website before filing out your application.
Please remember that we can take into consideration only proposals submitted using the Application Form.
See full & condensed information in GRANT COMPETITION section.
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